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Upcoming 事件

Sept 5 – Jan 9, 2024


LBBET乐博’s Beacon is an elite program for students that provides top beauty industry students with a unique opportunity to gain career insights from leading beauty influencers and network with owners from the most prestigious salons across the United States.


Social Media Ads that Drive Business to Your 沙龙

Who is running social media ads? Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. If your company is competing with other top-tier salons, 水疗, or barbershops, then it’s pivotal to have a dominating presence online and on social media.

Nov 13-14, 2023 | Phoenix, AZ

Executive Summit

Stay ahead of change and discover how to revolutionize within the dynamic beauty industry, embracing its ever-changing landscape. Explore strategies to stay up to date with trends and successfully adapt to the evolving wants and needs of consumers.


The Professional Beauty Association is the largest beauty professional organization that offers access to resources to foster career growth and fulfill your personal needs. Support and be a part your industry!

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